The Chameleon Collective began one afternoon during a phone call between me and my father. Being a tea exporter, he was constantly discussing tea with me and my brother, and out of the hundreds of conversations we had probably had in my life, that particular conversation that day caught my interest for some reason. I was in college at the time, and I remember getting caught up in the idea of a brand immediately. Being away from home, there wasn’t much that I could do towards developing the brand immediately, so I created mood boards and planned out my ideas for the brand - I did what I could.
On eventually returning home a few months later, I immediately set to work on the brand’s development. The first few months were spent studying everything that I could about tea as a product and the language of the industry and this was a pivotal time for me, even though I may or may not have realized it at the time, and even though I thought it grueling. I guess I was too caught up in my own perspective of how I had just finished studying, and here I was doing just that - again. But now I realize how much value that time held. It has given me such a good base to start on, without which, I may have felt completely in over my head. Tea can be an exacting taskmaster. I learnt how to create blends, and how best to pair ingredients and flavours. It was through this process that I created my very first three blends, and I was so excited at the fact that I had created actual blends on my own...

+94 715-349-131 / inquiries@thechameleoncollective.com
23 Lakshapana Mw, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka 10120